Critical Steps to Elevate Your Executive Transition

In a survey conducted by Egon Zehnder, 80% of executives said it took them more than 6 months to have an impact in their new role. They identified a poor grasp of how the organisation works and cultural mismatch as the top derailing factors. Recently I ran a workshop on the 7 Critical Steps to Elevate Your Executive Transition. The first and most critical step is to manage your mind. As Rod Stryker says “the mind is the architect of your destiny”. Neuroscience is discovering many benefits to mindfulness, including, what you focus on grows (so choose your focus wisely)…

Read Critical Steps to Elevate Your Executive Transition

Would You Earn Less In Exchange For Meaningful Work?

9 out of 10 people are willing to earn less money if they did more meaningful work… Interesting isn’t it? In our society, we often equate success with external factors like the cars we drive, the houses we live in, the clothes we wear and how much we earn. Studies have shown that, as long as we earn enough to provide for our essential needs, any amount above this does not increase our happiness. So what does this mean for an organisation? In an ever-changing environment where nothing is predictable, making the link for your employees between their work and…

Read Would You Earn Less In Exchange For Meaningful Work?

Why Physical Resilience is Not Enough to Future Proof Your Leadership

We live in very uncertain times. More so because as the pace of change is increasing, technology and artificial intelligence are disrupting the way we work and live. Because we don’t know what impact this will have and when, we cannot control the future. As the future is so unpredictable, we try to cling to things that are certain. In fact, everything is uncertain and impermanent. We try to control outcomes by doing more of what we know hoping that will bring certainty However, what we know, might not be relevant, in a world where resources are diminishing, and technology and artificial solutions…

Read Why Physical Resilience is Not Enough to Future Proof Your Leadership

Why working harder is not good for you or your career

Often when we hear stories of successful people, we hear about the hard work they put in to get there. We’re told of the many hours they spend each day, doing what they need to do, and the sacrifices they need to make. It’s a work ethic many subscribe to, and in fact, many see as a virtuous quality, something to aspire to and to become. Our definition of success is tied up with “putting in” the hours.  Many of us also have a natural bias towards action. We find it difficult to just be, with ourselves, our loved ones…

Read Why working harder is not good for you or your career

Why a vocation is more important than a career

As a child, I believed I could be anything I wanted to be.  I was fascinated by many different subjects and loved reading, which led me to dive deeply into topics that often had little correlation.  Under the old English school system, at 14 I had to pick subjects to study that would eventually define the university degree I could apply to study.  This was a big decision for a 14-year-old. What did I want to be when I grew up? Of course, this was the day of one career per lifetime, and from this limited framework, I allowed myself…

Read Why a vocation is more important than a career