What a year this has been. I could not have predicted that we would struggle to manage COVID and endure more lockdowns.  Are you looking forward to the festive season as much as I am?  If I told you there are 74 days left until Christmas, what would you say? 

Without strategically planning how to navigate the final quarter of the year, you run the risk of being swept into the holiday season, ending the year exhausted, overwhelmed and stressed out. 

If you want to finish your year on a high note, it’s time to consolidate your goals and make conscious choices.  Here’s how.

1. Make time this week to set quarterly goals

I often hear about leaders compiling a list of goals at the beginning of the year for the next 12 months. While looking ahead is a great way to plan ‘big picture’ items, a more strategic approach to goal setting is to make time for new goals each quarter. We are so caught up in our daily workload that we forget to pause and reflect on our goals and purpose. By consciously choosing to set aside time for quarterly goal planning, you are able to reflect on the past quarter, look forward to what you want to achieve in the next 3 months, and consciously readjust, change or add to your goals. 

2. Reset your focus

What you focus on grows. With only 8 weeks until December, you must consciously choose where to put your focus. Are you looking ahead to the holidays, thankful for a break from work and a moment to destress? In my experience, a mindful approach to consolidation means looking forward to the future while being grounded in the present. Start each day by resetting your focus for the day, being mindful of how this fits into your goals for the quarter. 

3. Empower your team

The last few months of the year can become increasingly stressful for your leadership team. To avoid burnout, it’s important that your team feels equipped, enabled, and empowered to perform with impact and purpose over the coming weeks. Make sure that as they deliver your organisation’s goals for the end of the year, they are operating with consciousness, courage and compassion.  This is how you curate a culture that is inspiring, rather than overbearing. 


Interested in how you can elevate your leadership to maximise this last quarter? Let’s chat.