If you had told me this 12 years ago, when I started my business, I would never have believed you.

I gave up my corporate job with nothing but an idea and deep seated awareness of being guided to deliver mindful leadership capability to leaders.  I witnessed many leaders experiencing burnout and struggling to engage the hearts and minds of their teams during continual restructuring, downsizing and market changes.  I encountered it myself before taking a year out to recover from significant health issues.

So I set up a business and named it Leading Mindfully.  At the time, mindfulness was thought of as “soft” and “fluffy” and more suited to personal stress management not leadership development.

I continued to create workshops and programs using tools and techniques that were proven by science and grounded in ancient yogic practices.  I measured the results with my clients and found that the business grew as they noticed authentic and lasting changes in their leaders, staff engagement and productivity.

Fast forward to now and I’m about to launch the Mindful Leadership Institute. ????

Here’s what I learned on this journey:

  • Be yourself.  Even when others tell you to conform in order to perform, follow your inner guidance and be uniquely you in the way you deliver your work.
  • Connect with your inner guidance daily and let it (not your head) guide your decisions.
  • Daily decisions determine your destiny – ensure your daily practices enable you to be the best that you can be today.  Knowing that your best each day will be different.
  • Evaluate your progress against your vision and values for yourself, not what others want for you or think is best.
  • Know that the loudest voice does not always have the most impact.  Shifting even one person’s perspective is powerful.  “One soul on purpose is capable of carrying 1000 souls towards their purpose” (ancient yogic saying). 

I am absolutely blown away by LinkedIn’s recognition of my mindfulness expertise.  I’m deeply grateful to all the wonderful clients I have worked with that have made it possible to walk the path of my dharma.  

If you’re planning your leadership development for 2024, let’s chat. Get in touch here

And, if we’re not already connected on LinkedIn I’d love you to reach out. Send me a connection request here