The Leadership Dilemma: Why Purpose Isn’t Enough ????

Let’s dive into a little truth bomb – purpose is undeniably important, but it’s not the sole secret sauce for success. Shocked? Don’t be! Let me break it down for you. Recently, I ran a poll on LinkedIn, tapping into the insights of executives just like you. Guess what? 83% of respondents agreed that while purpose is crucial, it’s not the sole driver of success. Enter: motivation. When we talk about purpose, it often revolves around the organisation’s or team’s overarching mission. Take my experience leading an in-house legal team for a bank, for example. Our purpose, as defined by…

Read The Leadership Dilemma: Why Purpose Isn’t Enough ????

Leadership Lessons From My Father

On a recent trip back to the UK, I had the amazing opportunity to speak to a group of Indian community elders.  It’s a group that’s been meeting fortnightly for over 12 years and was the vision of my father.  They discuss topics, share ideas and enjoy a lunch together in Woking, Surrey. As I was preparing my presentation, I reflected on the leadership lessons learned from father: (Gujarati) “Bada khada ma pade to taree kahda ma padwanu”. ???? English translation – if everyone falls in a ditch, do you have to fall in too?  Whilst this was annoying as…

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LinkedIn recognised me as a top mindfulness voice! ????????

If you had told me this 12 years ago, when I started my business, I would never have believed you. I gave up my corporate job with nothing but an idea and deep seated awareness of being guided to deliver mindful leadership capability to leaders.  I witnessed many leaders experiencing burnout and struggling to engage the hearts and minds of their teams during continual restructuring, downsizing and market changes.  I encountered it myself before taking a year out to recover from significant health issues. So I set up a business and named it Leading Mindfully.  At the time, mindfulness was…

Read LinkedIn recognised me as a top mindfulness voice! ????????

I did something really scary…

I did something really scary ???? Last year I ran the first Mindful Leadership Institute Retreat for executive women as a tentative experiment.   The second retreat for this year is starting today at Hepburn Springs and I’ve been reflecting. In 2009 I was initiated into the Kripalu lineage of yoga.  Yes, that’s me during the initiation ceremony.  So much has changed since those photos.  For one, I now wear glasses ???? An initiation is very different to graduating from a yoga school and becoming a yoga teacher. Yes, I am a yoga teacher, but initiation goes much deeper.  I took…

Read I did something really scary…

How to curate a powerfully positive work culture in a topsy turvy world

As we shift into new beginnings post-COVID, the workplace environment is going to be an entirely different space – physically, mentally and emotionally. Like it or not, we need to understand that the traditional methodologies around change management and implementation which have made us successful in the past may not necessarily make us successful in the future. One thing we can be certain of in business is uncertainty and in this constantly changing world, we need to create a positive work culture, starting with our leadership teams. An organisation’s biggest asset is its people and with them, they bring their…

Read How to curate a powerfully positive work culture in a topsy turvy world

How to back your team to perform

The COVID-19 pandemic crisis has created an uncertain world in which executives worldwide are navigating new challenges, one of which is how to lead a remote team whilst maintaining a coaching and mentoring relationship. Research shows that almost 90% of people are concerned about job security and their financial situation post- COVID.  Its critical leaders know that most people in their teams are experiencing anxiety, even if they don’t expressly communicate this.  What leaders focus on now is vital to supporting their team and business success moving forward. Purpose drives performance. A purpose ignites the emotional energy, the hearts and…

Read How to back your team to perform

How to Manage Uncertainty as a Leader

COVID 19 has put the business world in a spin.  Leaders in many organisations are navigating unknown and very unpredictable waters, whilst also having to maintain positive morale among team members. It can be anxiety-causing in itself but believe it or not the best defence comes in the way of the mind. The ancient yogis would say we can’t control or predict the future but through our actions, we can influence outcomes.  Rather than posturing for predictability and trying to control outcomes, try building the life skill of managing your mind to consciously choose your actions and so create new…

Read How to Manage Uncertainty as a Leader

Fight for your focus

“Information is power” Or is it?   How much information do you receive during a work day?  Is it empowering or overwhelming? In my last corporate role, I received over 70 emails per day.  As the leader of an international team that covered every time zone from New Zealand to New York, I felt a sense of duty to read all of them, in case I missed something that was important.  I realised this was a problem because I spent the day working with my team and early mornings and late evenings reading and responding to emails. I was exhausted. Technology…

Read Fight for your focus

Stop Feeling Stuck In Your Career

As a leader, there are many transitions that you make. Probably the first is the move into a leadership position, followed by transitions into larger, broader roles or new industries, functions or career paths. Think back to your last transition. When did it begin? If you are like most people, it began immediately before you stepped into the new role. In reality, the transition process actually started with that first thought you had about making a change. Your mental energy shifted at that point and you started thinking about and weighing up the options. If the change was external, caused…

Read Stop Feeling Stuck In Your Career

Critical Steps to Elevate Your Executive Transition

In a survey conducted by Egon Zehnder, 80% of executives said it took them more than 6 months to have an impact in their new role. They identified a poor grasp of how the organisation works and cultural mismatch as the top derailing factors. Recently I ran a workshop on the 7 Critical Steps to Elevate Your Executive Transition. The first and most critical step is to manage your mind. As Rod Stryker says “the mind is the architect of your destiny”. Neuroscience is discovering many benefits to mindfulness, including, what you focus on grows (so choose your focus wisely)…

Read Critical Steps to Elevate Your Executive Transition