In a survey conducted by Egon Zehnder, 80% of executives said it took them more than 6 months to have an impact in their new role.

They identified a poor grasp of how the organisation works and cultural mismatch as the top derailing factors.

Recently I ran a workshop on the 7 Critical Steps to Elevate Your Executive Transition.

The first and most critical step is to manage your mind.

As Rod Stryker says

“the mind is the architect of your destiny”.

Neuroscience is discovering many benefits to mindfulness, including, what you focus on grows (so choose your focus wisely) and change your mind, change your brain.

We can now see physical changes in the brain as a result of regular meditation practice.

A couple of participants at the workshop shared the benefits that they experienced meditating regularly, and many were surprised how simple it was to improve focus, reduce stress and raise your well being. All of this is crucial at a time of major transition.

Research shows that little and often is better than once or twice per week for long periods of meditation.

What benefits of meditation have you noticed?

What has been the impact on your leadership?