Category: Blog
Regular monthly content by Repa to help leaders prime their potential, lead their team more effectively, and experience joy more often in their work.
How to curate your 2022 vision for the best leadership year ever
Have you started your 2022 planning? Last month I shared a simple tool to reflect on the past year and begin thinking about what strengths you can carry forward into the coming months. The next step in planning the best leadership year ever is to set your vision for 2022. Research shows that purpose drives performance. This is true not just for individual leaders, but for the organisations they work in. A strong sense of purpose acts as a compass for decision making, guiding the actions of leaders and their followers particularly during difficult times. A vision is your desired…
Read How to curate your 2022 vision for the best leadership year everWhat will make 2022 your best leadership year ever?
If you haven’t started planning for 2022 yet, now is the perfect time. Most of us (at least in the eastern Australian states) are overwhelmed by the year that has been 2021. It feels like we are limping towards the finish line of the festive season. So why should you bother to plan your new year now, rather than wait until December and January? Well, glad you asked ???? Conscious planning requires a number of steps which are easier when broken down and spaced out. The last thing you want to do is to overload your overwhelm. Reflection produces perspective,…
Read What will make 2022 your best leadership year ever?Overcome overwhelm and finish the year on a high note
What a year this has been. I could not have predicted that we would struggle to manage COVID and endure more lockdowns. Are you looking forward to the festive season as much as I am? If I told you there are 74 days left until Christmas, what would you say? Without strategically planning how to navigate the final quarter of the year, you run the risk of being swept into the holiday season, ending the year exhausted, overwhelmed and stressed out. If you want to finish your year on a high note, it’s time to consolidate your goals and make…
Read Overcome overwhelm and finish the year on a high noteAre you ready to grow your leadership?
As we move further into Spring, nature reminds me of the change and growth that happens at this time of year. Already I’ve seen the cherry blossoms that line the streets blooming, and soon new plants and produce will begin to grow. But, without carefully planning and preparing the soil for Spring, those plants and produce would never grow and prosper. It’s the same in your leadership journey. If you want to grow into your full potential as a leader, have more impact in your work, and experience more joy in your role, you must consciously choose to change and…
Read Are you ready to grow your leadership?How to develop business strategy that engages the hearts and minds of your team
Many leaders and boards are grappling with how to manage a constantly changing COVID landscape. How do you: Develop a business strategy that allows you to respond quickly to market changes? Increase engagement at a time when people are struggling with uncertainty? Galvanise your organisation towards delivering your vision despite the daily deluge of distractions? The key is to shift the way you develop strategy. Use a methodology that energises your people whilst delivering exponential growth. One of the core methodologies I use to help teams thrive and move beyond incremental results is Appreciative Inquiry. It’s a strengths based approach…
Read How to develop business strategy that engages the hearts and minds of your team4 simple strategies to define your leadership purpose
There are many types of leaders and, yet, very few of the leaders I meet have consciously chosen the type of leader they want to become. The conscious choices you make as a leader begins with why you want to lead. I came to learn this the hard way. In my corporate life, I started to feel like I wasn’t in the right job, and that perhaps I should be doing something else. Unfortunately, I wasn’t sure what this ‘something else’ was, and so, I continued working in the same environment despite my head and heart telling me otherwise. Eventually,…
Read 4 simple strategies to define your leadership purposeThe Mindful Leadership Challenge 2021
Welcome to my 2021 Mindful Leadership Challenge to celebrate Mindfulness and Compassion Week. What’s the challenge? 5 days of practical tools to create a compass to navigate uncertainty and lead your team to deliver market leading results in the new financial year. You’ll find five short videos below, each introducing a new daily topic. The corresponding meditations can be listened to here. Wishing you many mindful moments. Mindful Leadership Challenge Day 1: Clarity In times of crisis, it’s natural to desire structure and control. However, in an environment of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, it is simply…
Read The Mindful Leadership Challenge 2021Mindfulness: A Valuable Tool For Leaders
Have you noticed how mindfulness has become a buzzword, with many organisations adopting mindful practices in their leadership development, and others rejecting the notion outright as eastern “woo-woo”? What exactly is mindfulness, and why is it a critical tool for leaders? I define mindfulness as being fully present in this moment, without judgement and with self-compassion. There are three critical elements of this definition: Deliberately choosing to pay attention to this moment. This requires you to make a conscious choice and often transcend your mind’s attraction to distraction. Letting go of all expectations of how this moment should be, not…
Read Mindfulness: A Valuable Tool For LeadersHow to Support Diversity in Your Team
In her work on diversity and inclusion, Juliet Bourke (AICD, 2016) found that organisations with inclusive cultures are 8 times more likely to achieve better business outcomes. In fact, when it comes to gender diversity, organisations in the top quartile of female executives are 25% more likely to have above-average profitability than companies in the fourth quartile (McKinsey, 2020). In my experience, a true increase in organisational diversity goes far beyond the hiring stage. To achieve the real business benefits of diversity and inclusion requires a cultural shift, which starts with the leadership team. The leadership team sets the strategy…
Read How to Support Diversity in Your TeamTo Change Your Results, Change Yourself
Most organisational change focuses on structure, process and systems. Even when there is a genuine intention to engage people to effect change, the majority of resources, effort and energy is concentrated on processes and systems changing, and then expecting people to adapt quickly. To create real change in an organisation, you need to start with changing the way your leaders behave, supporting them to effect a deeper personal change that is not reliant on the end result. In any change initiative, there are bound to be errors and things that don’t go to plan. This is a salient reminder that…
Read To Change Your Results, Change Yourself